Thursday, November 19, 2015

APEC 2015

What will the Philippines gain for hosting the APEC 2015? As leaders from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies gather in Manila for the second time after 19 years they will visit an economy that is about 3 times larger and to be hosted by a leader now seeking to spread the region’s prosperity to microentrepreneurs and poor farmers. The Philippines will be the world's biggest stage for one week. APEC summit is a good networking event. Under this year's APEC theme "Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World", the Philippines, along with 20 other member economies, has been pushing for inclusive growth and empowering micro, small, and medium enterprises among others. In the weeks leading up to the high-profile economic leaders' meeting on November 18 to 19, the Philippines has initiated to make the region bike-friendly, scale up disaster preparedness, and help micro, small and medium enterprises secure links to global value chain. On the other hand, The cost of the APEC Summit is huge, and Filipino people will bear the brunt of it. The Philippine government has allotted 10 billion pesos for the summit. Importantly, though, many workers in Manila who get paid by the day will be hard hit by two days of national holidays forcing them not to work, especially those who live hand to mouth, as is the case for many daily-wage workers who don’t get paid on holidays. In addition, poor and homeless people are being detained in the name of “cleaning up” Manila for APEC. As the Philippines aims to put its best foot forward and show off its developmental gains to visiting APEC leaders, Manila’s poor and homeless people have been rounded up and taken out of sight and out of mind ahead of the summit.
Hosting this year's APEC Summit has advantages and disadvantages for the Philippines and its people. I just do hope that there will be a huge change in our economy after all the sacrifices the Filipinos have done to cooperate in this remarkable event.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Required Entry #8: Cinema Paradiso

"Once upon a time, a king gave a feast. And there came the most beautiful princesses of the realm. Now, a soldier, who was standing guard, saw the king's daughter go by. She was the most beautiful one, and he immediately fell in love with her. But what could a poor soldier do when it came to the daughter of the king? Well, finally, one day, he managed to meet her, and he told her that he could no longer live without her. The princess was so impressed by his strong feelings that she said to the soldier: "If you can wait 100 days and 100 nights under my balcony, then at the end of it, I shall be yours." Damn! The soldier immediately went there and waited one day. And two days. And ten. And then twenty. And every evening, the princess looked out of her window, but he never moved. During rain, during wind, during snow, he was always there. The bird shat on his head, and the bees stung him, but he didn't budge. After ninety nights, he had become all dried up, all white, and the tears streamed from his eyes. He couldn't hold them back. He no longer had the strength to sleep. All that time, the princess watched him. And on the 99th night, the soldier stood up, took his chair, and went away."
At first, I really thought that the soldier was such a fool to sacrifice for so long and yet, give up just before just before its about to end. But then at the later part of the movie, the conclusion is: In one more night, the princess would have been his. But she also could not possibly have kept her promise and it would be terrible. In that way, at least for 99 days, he was living under the illusion that she was there, waiting for him. I think that this is also connected to the reason behind the ending of the story where a montage of cinematic kisses was shown and Elena didn't have a proper closure from the life of the protagonist. It's perhaps the greatest montage of motion picture kisses ever assembled, and, as Salvatore watches it, tears come to his eyes. The deluge of concentrated ardor acts as a forceful reminder of the simple-yet-profound passion that has been absent from his life since he lost touch with his one true love, Elena. Truly, there's a weird pleasure on loving someone who doesn't love you back.


"No peace among the nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions. No dialogue between the religions without investigation of the foundation of the religions" -Hans Kung
My heart felt sadness and sorrow when I heard about what happened to Paris last Friday, November 13, 2015. The City of Love became a city filled with darkness, grief and anguish. I really don't understand why the ISIS had to do it to them but I know that it is rooted from the conflict in religion and this will not be the last time they would attack. What's more threatening is that France took revenge and has already declared war against them and it will surely cause more death for all the nations involved.  ISIS even released a new propaganda video praising  the Paris attacks and threatening to launch an attack on Washington and other countries involved in the international coalition bombing its militant strongholds in Syria and Iraq. This season should be the most wonderful time of the year. Not a season of war, violence and hostilities. Conflict causes death, poverty and diseases. Despite of all the issues our world is facing today, I still think that there are a lot of reasons we should be thankful and hopeful for. I know that God is with us and all these chaos will end soon. There is nothing more important than praying and being faithful to Him, especially this Christmas season.